Sunday, August 02, 2009
Brevity is the soul of wit
I will be back after learning the art of brevity.
Word of the week - Intense
Intense stress. Intense partying.
Intense partying. Intense stress.
Intense loop.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Australian Open Finals - 2009
The man who endears himself to you even when he plays a dismal fifth set in the Australian Open Finals. The man who makes you admire him for his skills on court and adore him for his graciousness off court. The man who can make his opponent put an arm around him and respect his greatness, for history bears testimony to his finesse.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
When the cat's away the mouse will dance. Or will they?
As a side story, my boss was out on a business trip this whole week. Now, he's one of the the nicest person I've worked with but as nice as he is , the brat in me can't help but rub hands in glee each time he's out of office!! His absence spells FREEDOM!! No eagle eyes burning into the back of my head . Literally (his cube is right behind mine) .
It's so ironical that he's back in office today and, I am feeling painfully laid back with no desire to fractionize my energy into work.
Shouldn't it have been the other way around - Boss around, work hard. Boss out, party ?
Corporate dunce - me.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Examination Hysteria - Flashback of a Flush
Monday, September 08, 2008
Can't believe I've never tweeted!
My shot at fame and glamour
A friend sent an email some time back saying he wanted to enter this shot for a contest.
I haven't heard from him since.
One chance at entering the glam world and he goes AWOL on me. Hrmph.
There should be some kind of cosmic limit on how much body insecurity the universe can handle
Saw a young girl, in her early teens is my guess, preen in front of the dressing room mirror at Nordstorm today looking mighty un - pleased with a dress she had on. Reason - it didn't conceal the fat on her arms. Now, it averages a freakin' 110F here in Scottsdale and she was adamant that her mom bought her a longer-sleeved 'summer' frock. Not sure what they finally ended up buying.
Ok, who am I kidding. I am a sucker for well-fitting clothes (a new addiction) too. But seeing somebody that young being so particular about the yet-to-vanish baby fat made me wonder if that was normal. I would have totally understood if she'd wanted low necklines and high hemlines. Some boobage and legs to flaunt, hey why not! You got it you flaunt it. Oh, I digress.
Coming back to Missy, I am not able to decide if it's alright to be conscious about fat, figure, calories and such from such an early age.
Maybe it is. She'll grow up w/o having to feel embarrassed about ever wearing baggy 6-pocket jeans and red stonewashed over sized shirt which she thought looked 'cool'. Sigh ... why did I have to bring up a painful reminder of my past!
Maybe it adds unnecessary pressure on young teens. It's hard enough trying to focus on your studies, games, pranks, developing feminine wiles, boyfriends and the likes.
Maybe I should care less about what they care about and push my shopping cart to the footwear section and buy the 4" blue pumps to address my vertical challenge.