Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another page from the rule-book

Ever seen those commercials on TV where a kid tells you how much he/she is enjoying that product because ‘it is rich in calcium, proteins … yada yada yada … and I lovvvve it because it is good for me’. One big, well enunciated sentence.


I can’t even begin to tell how much these commercials irritate me. For the life of me I cannot appreciate a two or a three year old talk like that ! Calcium, proteins, what’s good for you what’s not – you have enough time to figure that out for yourself (and learn to ignore, I kid you not!). Well, there aren’t many things that irritate me but this one makes me roll up my eyes each time and I realized what exactly bugged me – it’s someone talking and acting beyond their age. And THIS I am NOT a fan of.

I respect age. I respect wisdom. And I respect wisdom that comes with age. The natural age progression exists for a reason and there should be no messing around there.

That's what my rule-book says - loud and clear.


lost on the street said...

Aye Aye..I totally second u on this.Over smart kids acting too big for their age- a good spanking is what they need :-)

Kanishk Pandey said...

OK, when Kanishk is three I will send him first to you to talk about economics and then to Konki for the spank.

He will enjoy both, but the latter more.