Tuesday, August 21, 2007

'Rain or shine, I'll take this'

"Did I just sleep through the summers and wake up in Dec?" I texted my jolly-natured landlord this morning after a crazy party weekend. I was still trying to get my bearings right. Is it still Aug? Was I reading the room thermostat correctly? What happened?! It was a nice and bright 80 F until one day before and whoaaaa ... it's freakin' 53 F today!

I walked down the stairs feeling like Rip Van Winkle to get the post and he greets me with a 'Merry Christmas' ! Thank god he didn't have his Santa costume on . I would have so fallen for it. Geeez.

So here I am in one of the supposedly hottest months of the year, under a warm throw sipping चाय and wondering if I should first delve into RVW's psyche or find out if the current weather condition is because of Hurricane Dean.

Or maybe it would be best to let RIP R.I.P. and let nature takes its own course while I go snooze some more. Rain or shine, I'll take this.

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